Betekenis van:
statistical distribution

statistical distribution
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence





    1. Describe the probability distribution estimate of the project’s financial and economic performance indexes. Provide relevant statistical information (expected values, standard deviation).
    2. in the interests of administrative simplification as provided for in Article 67(3), the procedures for the use, drawing-up, transmission, receipt, translation, collection and distribution of the statistical reports referred to in Article 67(1) and (2).
    3. The statistical evidence had therefore to be used rationally in order to find out, within a group of similar bonds, what characteristics were really relevant to the measurement of distribution fees.
    4. Having regard to the specific national size distribution of enterprises and the evolution of policy needs, Member States may extend the definition of the statistical unit in their country.
    5. In the quality report, to be produced under Section 7, a description of how the chosen statistical unit affects the groupings of NACE Rev. 2 data distribution should be included.
    6. the procedures for the drawing-up, transmission, receipt, translation, collection and distribution of the notices referred to in Article 30 and the statistical reports provided for in Article 65;
    7. Hungary provided the Commission with statistical information concerning the application of the measure based on data reported in the tax returns in the 2003 to 2006 tax years and argued that the sectoral distribution of undertakings to which the measure is applied demonstrates that the measure is sectorally neutral.
    8. the procedures for the drawing-up, transmission, receipt, translation, collection and distribution of the notices referred to in Articles 35, 58, 64 and 69 and the statistical reports provided for in the fourth subparagraph of Article 35(4) and in Articles 75 and 76;
    9. The period covered by the sample of bank bonds prevented any conclusion being drawn regarding the behaviour of distribution fees over time in the years 2000-2003. For statistical reasons, it was not possible to construct meaningful time series for the years 2000-2006 [44].